Tucson Noise Symposium performance
April 25, 2018 7:30PM - 10:00 PM
MOCA Tucson is partnering with the Tucson Noise Symposium, a series of talks, workshops, and performances on the University of Arizona campus and throughout Tucson that brings together the work of artists, academics, and listeners to consider the experience of noise and its many meanings.
For this event, Suzanne Thorpe and Bonnie Jones will perform on the top floor of MOCA at 7:30pm on Wednesday, April 25th with Karima Walker and Igloo Martian. For this performance Bonnie Jones (Electronics) and Suzanne Thorpe (Flute, Electronics), two critically acclaimed musicians active internationally on the experimental scene, will perform their improvised duo Convergence & Divergence, in 3 Parts. *Please note that this floor of MOCA is not fully-accessible. Contact tucsonnoisesymposium@gmail.com with accessibility questions.