Art Now! with Karen Christensen & Steve Wilcox
Thursday 2 March 2017 - 6:00 pm
Karen Christensen and Steve Wilcox
“NEA Under Fire: Then and Now”
Thursday 2 March • 6pm
The National Endowment for the Arts is currently in danger of being shut down. The agency faced similar trials in the 1990s. Karen Christensen, who was General Counsel to NEA Chair Jane Alexander from 1993 – 1997, will discuss her experiences. Steve Wilcox, the current Communications Director of the Arizona Commission on the Arts will discuss the current threat to the NEA. (Set against a backdrop of uncertainty about the NEA’s future, Ms. Christensen, and Mr. Wilcox will discuss their experiences with the NEA.)
Art Now! gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts on the wildly disparate practices and objects collectively known as “the art of our time.” Guests are encouraged to participate, share, and engage in this playful rendition upending the traditional art history lecture format.
FREE for MOCA members, non-members $10
Admission includes light snacks and refreshments