May 1-22

Register today for the 2020 MOCA Benefit Auction––this year with more artworks, experiences, and treasures you won’t want to miss. Heartfelt thanks to the many generous artists, businesses, and makers from near and far that have offered pieces in support of the Museum, even in the middle of a pandemic––MOCA loves you!
You can support MOCA too, while getting something great in return! Register, bid, and win all from the comfort and safety of your home, in our all-online auction.
Register now to preview items!
The auction will open May 1 and close May 22
For first-time users, text MOCAT2020 to 76278 and follow the prompts from the texts received.
You can also register online at, by clicking the “Sign In or Register” link at the top right-hand side of the website.
Having trouble? Call 520.624.5019 or email for assistance.
Support MOCA’s unique education programs
We also have a generous challenge grant of $25,000 on the table for our education programs from the Windgate Foundation. We will be asking for contributions to match this important gift via the auction platform, doubling the support for contemporary art education in Tucson. Please check out the video below to learn more about the education programs we offer at MOCA Tucson.