Drew Heitzler
27 September – 7 December 2014
Heitzler’s exhibition in the East Wing consists of three videos and a suite of photographs. In his films he utilizes appropriated imagery and emphasizes literary allusions and surf culture, re-ordering history as it is known through the media of movies and music, altering and re-fitting one’s perception of the world. The photographs of water damaged Harley Davidson parts catalogs, “either have something to do with water-damaged collectibles or water-logic” as it pertains to mechanical processes.” Perfectly, quintessentially Californian. The scenic and psychic landscape, with its plethora of meaning and elicited feelings, are evoked through Heitzler’s own work and those gathered in Golden State. A relationship to how people from Tucson to Timbuktu talk or think about California is a key facet of this exhibition’s reach and intellectual appeal. The reality is that the Golden State has had such an extensive and far-reaching influence globally, its countless affiliated tropes have become universally relevant.
Images by Christian Ramirez.