ArtNow! with Ben’s Bells and Emerge!

ArtNow! with Ben’s Bells and Emerge!

June 7, 2018 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

ArtNow! with Ben’s Bells and Emerge!
Thursday, June 7

The ways that men and boys are often socialized in the U.S. limits their capacity to be vulnerable and to empathize with others. So how do we create a new standard for masculinity based in the strengths of kindness? This talk, co-led by Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse and Ben’s Bells Project, will analyze gendered social norms, explain the science of kindness as key to understanding our mental experience, and suggest kind actions for improving our communities through setting new standards for masculinity.

Art Now! gives you the opportunity to engage with wildly disparate practices collectively known as “the art of our time” during this playful lecture series. All lectures are FREE for MOCA members, non-members $10. Admission includes light snacks and refreshments.